以前在台灣的時候, 好死不死考上新竹的大學... 台北的家就在師大跟台大之間呢, 切! 所以就開始我的住校生涯, 每到週六, 最開心的就是上完會計課的時候, 沒錯, 真不懂學校怎麼會安排我們在週六上課, 而且一次上三節課直到中午, 那樣我回到台北都快要下午兩點啦, 真是討厭... (所以有時候就翹課啦, 上完第二節就溜了, 可是我的會計課還是拿A啦, 呵呵!) 回到台北, 通常會先到火車站附近晃一晃再回家, 第一站都是先到站前店的東客(DONQ)買麵包吃.
我最喜歡的兩家麵包店, 第一是馬可波羅, 再來就是東客了. 大學時候的菜湯超愛吃麵包, 雖然馬可波羅的麵包非常好吃, 可是DONQ卻有一個點心是別處買不到的, 那就是CANELE--可露麗.

到底這是瞎蜜哇歌啊? 黑褐色的外表, 看起來實在是貌不驚人, 可是一個小小的居然要30元台票!!! (不知道現在是否漲價了, 我說的可是兩千年以前的價格喔.) 當時以試試看的心情買下它, 沒想到一試成主顧, 外表的黑褐色部分, 是焦糖搬脆脆的口感, 而裡面則是軟軟的像是CUSTARD餡一般, 充滿了香草和奶蛋的香氣, 一口咬下去有外脆內軟的兩種滋味, 完全擄獲了菜湯的心.
來到美國之後, 有時候真的好想念可露麗的滋味啊, 於是上網查做法, 其實好像不會太難啊, 只是菜湯沒有專門烤可麗路的銅模, 沒關係, 山不轉路轉, 菜湯用烤馬分的模子依樣可以做, 只是樣子比較不好看而已, 滋味是一樣的.
下面是我找到的食譜, 菜湯試做的感覺稍微甜了一點, 菜湯版本有加了一小匙的鹽, 所以比較不死甜, 菜湯用的是那種一次可以做12個馬分的模子做的, 因為容量挺大的, 所以加烤了20分鐘.
3-1/4 cups milk (preferably whole milk)
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise
4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
3 large eggs
2 Tablespoons dark rum (lke Gosling's)
2 cups granulated sugar
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
unsalted butter, softened for buttering the molds
Two days before you plan to serve the cannelés:
1. Pour the milk in a saucepan, add the vanilla bean and place the pan over med-high heat.
2. Bring the milk to a boil; remove from the heat set aside.
Allow the milk to cool to room temperature. When it is at room temperature, cover and place in the refrigerator overnight.
The day before:
3. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat.
4. Whisk the eggs into the vanilla milk. Then whisk in the rum and the warm, melted butter.
5. Whisk in the sugar and flour. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Today's the day!
6. Generously butter the 12 molds or 2 muffin tins (these are the regular size tins, each tin will have 6 spaces) and place in the refrigerator until the butter is firm.
7. Preheat the oven to 400F.
8. Remove the vanilla bean from the batter and re-whisk the batter to mix well. Ladle the batter into the molds or muffin tins. Fill them almost to the top.
9. Put the molds or tins on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 50 to 60 minutes. Check on them after about 45 minutes. They should be very dark brown but not black.
10. Remove from the oven and turn out of the molds while they are still warm.

菜湯做出來就是這個樣子啦!!! 形狀雖然不一樣, 可是味道不輸喔, 其實還可以加一點橘子皮製造柑橘的香味, 算是變化版的可露麗, 可是這次家裡沒橘子, 就省略了.

菜湯很變態, 每次最愛吃的部份就是外面那層脆脆的焦糖部分, 都會先剝下來吃掉, 希望今天可以抑制住自己的慾望, 不然PHOTODOG回家大概就只會看到光禿禿只剩下餡的可露麗了吧!