Monday, May 21, 2007


今天實在很不想打字, 因為WII讓我手殘外加半身不遂了. 阿! 自從WII上市之後, PHOTODOG老是吵著要買一台, 可是美國缺貨, 雖然網路上還是可以買到, 但是價格卻比定價還高出好多錢, 真是供給與需求的原理啊.

好在好友W的贊助之下, 我們終於如願買到一台原價的WII了, 週末我們徹底體驗到WII的神奇魔力...

機器本身就有內建五種運動, 對暴力菜湯來說, BOXING真是最適合的運動了, 不停的把PHOTODOG給KO, 難怪今天差一點直不起腰來.

下面是在CRAIG'S LIST上看到的賣東西廣告, 好好笑喔, 看來下次玩的時候遙控器要綁緊一點, 不然家裡47吋的電視可就危險了.

Broke Screen Westinghouse 37inch LCD TV - $1 (dublin / pleasanton / livermore)
Reply to:
Date: 2007-05-21, 10:49AM PDT

So I have a broke LCD TV, the nintendo Wii killed it.

So does anyone want to buy it? I know that were are a lot of peole out there who may work on these things that maybe able to fix it, so if you want it give me a price and you can have it.


  1. How much did you get wii? I want to get one too. When I went to Japan in Feb., I could not get one since wii is sold out everywhere. My friend who lives in Japan promises me to get one for me, but I don't know hwen I am going to get it.

  2. We got Wii itself for $250. And we also bought 2 more remote controllers for $58 extra. I think it will be cheaper if you buy it directly from Japan, but we are happy enough since we can play it now.
