Wednesday, April 2, 2008

超簡單的油飯 sticky rice

說油飯其實不正確, 應該是糯米飯啦, 可是吃起來不輸油玆玆的油飯喔!

前一陣子做了糯米蓮藕的時候, 泡了太多的糯米沒用完, 害的菜湯絞盡腦汁不想浪費, 作出了一個新料理, 就是沒有油的油飯啦!

家裡冰箱裡有什麼就加什麼, 只要不會出太多水分的都行, 工具就是大同電鍋, 有沒有已經很容易做的感覺啊!

很重要的一點, 就是糯米至少泡4小時以上, 泡過夜也行, 菜湯這次準備了兩杯米的份量, 材料就全部有圖為證啦, 小蝦米, 油蔥酥, 杏苞菇一枝切條, 紅羅蔔一根, 還有菜湯喜歡的西洋芹菜, 調味料菜湯只用了一點點醬油跟蠔油, 對上一小碗水.

把所有的材料跟泡好瀝乾的糯米, 先在一各大碗裡面扮均勻, 再放回電鍋的內鍋裡. 當然你們偷懶想要直接在電鍋裡攪拌也行, 本來菜湯就是那樣作啦, 結果材料太多不好攪拌, 結果搞的整個廚房亂七八糟啊...

把料填進鍋子裡, 就可以開始蒸了, 總共要蒸兩次,

你們可能會覺得料這麼多蒸好糯米發起來難道不會太滿嗎? 其實不會耶, 因為芹菜, 跟羅蔔還有菇, 都會稍微出水, 所以蒸好後體積反而縮水喔, 蒸好的時候香噴噴的, 喜歡有麻油香味的可以淋一點上去!

上面灑一點香菜, 色香味具全!


我發現, 這種煮法蒸出來的糯米飯, 大概因為沒什麼油脂, 所以吃起來也不會消化不良, 還滿不錯的!


  1. 菜湯,好巧,我今天也煮了飯,不過是做了西班牙的海鮮飯,paella,這個糯米飯看起來真好吃ㄋㄟ,有媽媽的味道喔,改天我也要來試試看

  2. The food pictures look different recently. Somebody has been playing with my big camera and the 50mm f1.4 lens.

  3. 看起來好好吃哦 :P

  4. hi vera 西班牙海鮮飯聽起來就好好吃喔, 可是做法好像很麻煩, 還要去買長米回來作... 你一定很懂得吃哩!

  5. to photodog, actually I used f2.8 this time! haha

  6. Thank you for this post. My wife does not read Chinese so I'm translating the primary steps into English for her.

    It is important to soak the sticky rice for at least 4 hours (or overnight is OK, too). In this example, we'll prepare two cups of rice, shrimp, oil fried dried onions, mushrooms, carrots, celery, and a little bit of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and a small bowl of water. See picture 1.

    Evenly mix all the materials with drained rice in a big bowl and then put everything into the rice cooker. I had to use the big bowl to avoid the mess. You may be able to simply do everything with the rice cooker pot.

    Now we can can use the rick cooker to steam everything. Do it twice.

    See picture 2.

    You may wonder the rice may take up more space after steamed but in fact the celery, carrots, and the mushroom will shrink after their water comes out. Add sesame oil to your liking.

    Picture 3.

    Add cilantro to enhance the visual, smelling, and tasting experiences.

    Picture 4.

    Or chili sauce.

    Picture 5.
