稍早還有寫一篇shopbop的血拚清單, 跟ASOS的美國區折扣! 新下折扣我的血拚清單
shopbop的男裝部門East Dane點這裡也有大量好物下折扣! 要幫男票打理的人務必看一下! 牛仔褲, 鞋子, 包包, 跟衣服外套應有盡有, 而且尺碼都還很齊呢! 非常好逛! 同樣也是買滿100就免運費, 可以跟shopbop的東西一起結帳.
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@Porter Tanker Rucksack Backpack (剛剛隨便一翻就看到日本的吉田包Porter Tanker系列背包在打折! 這可是貨真價實的日本製系列原版! Porter這個牌子之前在日劇"戀愛世代"裡面被木村拓哉背紅! 它的材質跟製作都相當有口碑)
@Porter Tanker Rucksack Bag (還有灰色版本也有特價! 當然也是日本製, 我覺得女生背這個系列的包包也相當ok啊!)
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日本先生N桑是我的拜把好友的先生, 對時尚有一番見解, 目前定居日本東京, 是菜湯部落格的男裝權威!
下面英文的部分是日本先生N桑寫的, 中文部份是我的翻譯
From 90’s. Some of the items I recommend here are masterpieces which were popular in 90’s. They are not old. They look fresh again now. 九零年代. 本篇我推薦的單品, 大部分在九零年代都非常受到歡迎, 他們並不老, 他們現在又流行回來了.
1 Birkenstock Suede Soft Footbed Boston Clogs It is still hot in here and around the world. We can wear sandals next month. Also, you can even wear this type of sandal with thick socks in winter. I love the color of the suede leather. It matches with summer look. It goes with white pants, blue denim and olive cargo pants. After wearing it for a while, its insole fits to your feet. It is very comfortable to wear it. 世界各地都還很熱, 下個月應該都還可以繼續穿涼鞋, 這雙鞋勃肯鞋適合搭配白色褲, 藍色牛仔褲, 或是橄欖色的工作褲, 多穿幾次鞋底就會完全合腳, 變得相當舒適.
2 adidas Originals by Alexander Wang Track Jacket It is an item from last collection of Adidas by Alexander Wang. It is very simple and easy to coordinate with your wardrobe. However, it has a back print. So, it is easy to recognize that it is a “special track jacket”. Why don’t you try trendy luxury street style? Adidas by Alexander Wang聯名系列的最後一季, 這件外套很容易跟你衣櫃裡的單品搭配, 又因為上面的黑色圖騰, 顯現出他的特別身分"是設計師款"喔. 試試看這個時髦的外套吧! 現在還有在打折.
3 Filling Pieces Hanson Evora Sneaker Boots It has very similar design to Fear of God shoes I recommended before. However, the price is less than half of the one from Fear of God. Wear it cool like Justin Bieber. 這雙鞋子的設計跟Justin Bieber最愛的品牌"Fear of God"得很像, 不過只要不到一半的價格!
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4 Paul Smith socks Colorful cute socks from Paul Smith. I recommend to wear with navy or charcoal gray suits with a tie. When you cross your legs, the socks show up a little bit. You can give a charming impression to your colleague. It is also good idea to buy them as a gift. Paul Smith的可愛彩色襪子. 我建議可以搭配深藍色或是灰色的西裝, 打個領帶喔! 當你交叉你的腿, 露出一點點襪子, 你的同事會覺得你很迷人! 這也是一個送禮物的好點子!
5 A.P.C. Petit New Standard Indigo Jeans I had A.P.C jeans about 20 years ago. Now, i want to wear them again. I love them because of the beautiful silhouette. I also love how its denim color fades. You can grow your one and only jeans. 大約20年前我有買過一條A.P.C.的牛仔褲. 我現在又想開始穿他們了. 剪裁很好, 我也喜歡他的刷色, 穿久了稍微褪色之後就會是你獨一無二的牛仔褲.
6 Porter Tanker Waist Bag This bag was very popular about 20 years ago on streets in Tokyo. I also had a black tanker waist bag. Waist bags are trend in next season. This bag also look fresh again. I recommend a new silver color. 20年前的東京街頭這個包包非常流行, 我自己也有一個黑色的同款腰包, 腰包又開始流行回來了, 我推薦銀色版本.
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7 Clarks Suede Wallabee Shoes These shoes are also masterpiece. They were also very popular in 90’s. I remember that Nigo “a director of A bathing Ape” and Cornelius (musician) wore clarks shoes with vintage denims on a page of the magazine. I bought it after I read the magazine. These shoes are very comfortable. You won’t get tired because of its soft crepe sole. I want to wear them again with blue denim. 這雙Clarks的鞋也是經典. 同樣的在九零年代非常流行, 我還記得在雜誌上看過 Nigo(A bathing Ape的設計總監)跟Cornelius(音樂家), 穿著Clarks的鞋搭配骨董牛仔褲. 當時我看完雜誌立刻也買了這雙鞋! 非常得舒服, 因為內裡很柔軟, 穿著腳一點也不會累, 請用藍色牛仔褲搭配他們!
8 Maison Kitsune Wool Sweater High quality plain gray knit do not choose other items. It can go with wool trousers, blue denim, cargo pants, khaki chinos etc… Iconic fox mark is on its chest. “Kitsune” means fox in Japanese. 品牌名稱“Kitsune” 在日文是狐狸的意思. 有了這件高品質的灰色毛衣你就不用再看別的了, 這件很適合搭配毛料褲子, 藍色牛仔褲, 工作褲, 卡其褲等等, 毛衣上面還有他家的經典Logo狐狸標誌.
9 Oliver Peoples Eyewear Boudreau LA Sunglasses I love the beautiful color of its frames and lens. It is expensive but you can wear them more than a decade. If you think in this way, it is reasonable price. 這副太陽眼鏡的鏡架跟鏡片顏色都相當美, 雖然訂價有點貴, 不過你至少可以戴十年以上, 如果你這樣一想, 就會覺得這個價格很公道.
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10 Polo Ralph Lauren Crew Neck Cashmere Sweater Ralph Lauren is in fashion now in Japan. Maybe it is hot around the world. Many fashion magazines introduces items from Ralph Lauren. Anyway, every autumn, I come to want to wear bordeaux color. It is a warm cashmere sweater. The quality is assured. Also, as you can see, it has a beautiful color. I recommend to wear it with gray color wool trouser. Ralph Lauren在日本現在非常紅, 我想也許全世界他都很紅吧, 常常看到很多時尚雜誌都有介紹Ralph Lauren家的單品. 每到秋天, 我都特別喜歡穿酒紅色, 這件是溫暖的純羊絨毛衣, 他的品質有保證, 而且你也看到了, 這個顏色多好看啊! 我推薦大家搭配灰色系的褲子.
11 Saturdays NYC Mateo Shirt This pale pink color is trendy. I love its color and relax atmosphere. I recommend to wear it with blue jeans as the picture above, or black summer wool slacks. 這種淺粉色現在很時髦, 我喜歡這個顏色跟他帶來的隨興氣氛, 大家可以像model那樣搭配藍色的牛仔褲, 或是黑色的夏日薄毛料長褲.
12 Snow Peak Titanium Single Wall 450 Mug Actually, I didn’t know that Snow Peak is a Japanese brand. It is a outdoor brand from Niigata, Japan. The impression of the brand is very sophisticated. So, i didn’t think it is from Japan. They make high spec outdoor items and wears. This mug cup is made of titanium. I love their logo. It can be a good gift, too. 我其實不知道 "Snow Peak"是日本品牌耶, 這是一個來自日本新瀉的戶外品牌, 品牌形象非常高雅世故, 所以我真的無法想像這居然來自日本! 這個馬克杯是鈦金屬製作的, 我也喜歡他的Logo設計, 可以當完美的禮物!
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13 Stussy Big Stripe Shirt Now, Supreme is the most popular street brand but Stussy is the pioneer from 80’s. Actually, the founder of Supreme worked with Sean Stussy before he launched his own brand and he was influenced by Stussy. I love the combination of navy, red and white. I also like the width of the stripes. 現在Supreme是最潮的品牌, 不過Stussy才是八零年代這個潮流的創始者. 實際上 Supreme的創辦人曾經就跟Sean Stussy工作過呢! 所以他的設計風格也被Stussy影響. 我喜歡深藍, 紅, 跟白的顏色組合, 我也喜歡條紋的寬度.
14 Stussy cap The revival from 90’s. Stussy is cool again. It is still hot, but this cap makes you feel cool. This cap goes with summer look. I recommend to wear it with white plain t-shirts. 90年代的流行回歸 Stussy又開始紅回來了, 現在天氣還很熱, 不過這頂球帽可以讓你涼爽, 這個顏色組合很適合搭配夏天, 我建議可以搭配白色沒有任何圖騰的T-shirt.
15 Sunspel Superfine Cotton Low Waist Trunks I’ve tried Sunspel T-shirts but I have never tried their underwears. Of course, It is a fine quality. It can be a perfect gift: I want it but I don’t want to buy it by myself. 我喜歡穿Sunspel的T-shirts, 可是我還沒穿過他們的內衣褲呢! 當然這個品牌就是以高質感著稱, 很適合當作禮物! (我想穿他們可是不想自己買!)
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16 Velva Sheen 2 Pack Short Sleeve Pocket Tee Velva Sheen makes a very tough t-shirts. It is made of thick clothes. It is made in U.S.A You can wear it for a long period of time. 品牌Velva Sheen專門製作紮實的T-Shirts, 都是用厚實的布料做的, 還是美國製, 你可以穿很久.
17 Wolverine 1000 Mile Evans Boots You can wear this boots for a long period of time. It might be a little expensive but I think it is very reasonable since you can wear it more than a decade. Its brown color changes as time passes. You can grow your original boots. 你可以長長久久的穿這雙靴子, 也許他有一點貴, 可是如果你可以穿十年, 這靴子也不貴啦! 穿越久, 顏色會變得越美, 就會是你獨一無二的靴子!
18 Y-3 M Nylon Mix Track Pants Track pants is trendy and it goes with luxury street style. You can wear it like Kanye West. Wear it with your cool sneakers. 這個運動褲很潮, 跟所有的高級街頭穿搭都很配, 你可以像Kanye West一樣穿著這個褲子搭配很酷的運動鞋.
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19 Tomorrowland pants I love the color. It makes me feel that autumn is coming. I recommend to wear it with print shirts and leather shoes as the picture above. Actually, I love the look. 我喜歡這條褲子復古的芥末黃, 讓我覺得秋天要到了, 我建議搭配有圖騰的襯衫跟皮鞋, 就像網站上的Model所搭配的一樣, 我覺得真好看!
20 Tomorrowland Fleece Hoodie Again, I love the color. The color goes with indigo color and gray color. It’s hoodie but it is elegant. It’s not like a sweatshirts. So, I want to wear it with gray wool pants. 再說一次, 我喜歡這個顏色啊! 這個顏色很適合搭配深藍或是灰, 雖然是連帽衛衣, 可是又有一種優雅的感覺, 所以我會搭配灰色的毛料褲子.
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