先總結我的使用心得: Narwal Freo X Ultra
原價1399美金, 黑五特價799.99美金再額外九五折碼: VEGESOUP
吸拖地一次到位, 自動清洗拖把烘乾集塵袋, 安靜, *不纏毛髮-就算我的超長髮也ok, 完全解放雙手, 黑五特低價真的建議入手!
*(我每天檢查機器人的肚子有沒有頭髮, 基本上正常運作的話都不纏, 但如果故意丟一團頭髮給它吸的話會卡)
雖然我平常不拘小節, 並不是一個有潔癖的人, 但只要家裡的地板不乾淨我就會抓狂!
以前我都是先用吸塵器吸過地板, 然後再用插電的蒸氣拖把拖地, 每次做完這些工作全身都會出大汗, 簡直比慢跑半個小時還累!
偏偏photodog喜歡煎牛排跟炸豬排, 每次他進廚房我一則喜一則優, 喜的是可以吃大餐了, 憂的是廚房會像戰場一樣亂七八糟, 除了水槽裡堆滿用過的鍋子跟刀子以外, 最可怕的就是地板都是濺出來的油膩跟菜渣! 真的太不懂了, 為什麼他做菜可以把所有的鍋碗瓢盆都用上呢? 為什麼地板可以踩的到處都是腳印呢?
所以只要他煮飯雖然我看似輕鬆, 其實我內心都在思考等下他出廚房我要立刻衝進去拖地! 有時候我都是跪在地上用抹布擦, 才覺得有辦法把廚房地板清乾淨, 因為以前屋主用最光亮的磁磚裝潢廚房, 一點點髒都看得一清二楚, 然後我又是地板乾淨的偏執狂, 只要一反光看到地板有一點灰塵或是頭髮我都受不了!
雖然近年來各式各樣的吸地洗地機盛行, 但有時候做完飯真的好累, 想到還要去拖地就煩, 而且拖完地還要清洗髒水桶, 反正就是多了一件家事要做的感覺.
這次受到 Narwal (雲鯨) 的邀請可以測評他們最暢銷的掃地拖地機器人 Narwal Freo X Ultra (原價1399美金, 黑五特價799.99美金再額外九五折碼: VEGESOUP ), 我真的欣喜若狂啊! 哇! 現在科技已經那麼進步, 機器人可以直接又吸地板又刷地板, 一氣呵成, 最後還會自動清洗烘乾拖把, 完全解放雙手, 簡直就是我的救星吧!
身為全球首款自動清洗抹布的掃拖一體機器人的創造者, 雲鯨屢獲德國紅點設計獎, 愛迪生發明獎, CES創新獎等國際大獎. 這台 Narwal Freo X Ultra 當初一上市就立刻衝上Amazon最暢銷機器人第一名耶! 口碑非常好!
首先要設定APP, 之後都是用APP來操控機器人, 第一次使用的時候它會掃描全家地形, 所以會花特別久的時間進行第一次清潔, 這台厲害的地方, 它有鏡頭可以進行偵查髒的地方, 同時吸地跟拖地, 然後我最喜歡自動清洗抹布這個功能, 還幫你把抹布跟集塵袋都烘乾, 這樣就不會有任何臭味了. 裝髒水的桶子很大, 很久才需要換一次水, 也非常容易清洗, 集塵袋大約七個禮拜才需要清空, 如果你喜歡地板乾淨, 但沒有美國時間每天吸地拖地, 那這台機人真的可以把你的人生變成彩色的!
我自己通常都是晚餐之後大家坐在餐桌吃飯的同時, 就請我的小白白出來工作, 你看我已經給它取名了, 小孩都說媽咪妳又多了一個小孩! 使用APP可以選擇只清理廚房, 這樣我們還沒吃完飯, 廚房地板就清潔溜溜! 晚上photodog打開洗碗機之後, 會再請小白白工作一次! 這樣早上起床的時候你就有很乾淨的地板等著你啦! 因為它工作的時候算是很安靜的, 就算清洗拖把也不會很吵, 所以很多人都是睡覺前請它工作, 運作的聲音也不會影響睡眠喔!
目前使用這台機器兩個禮拜, 基本上每次打掃完至少97%的地板都是很乾淨的, 偶爾角落的小地方會有沒有吸起來的小垃圾, 還是瑕不掩瑜, 畢竟只要按一個按鈕, 接下來就一氣呵成讓地板從又髒又油膩變成幾乎一塵不染, 我已經非常滿意了!
它會幫你把集塵袋的垃圾烘乾, 所以不會發臭; 另外髒水桶也不需要每次換, 因為容量夠大讓你久久做一次即可, 同時這個桶子開口也很大很容易清洗.
photodog最欣賞的功能是它的滾筒完全不會纏頭髮! 要知道我家三個女人都是長頭髮, 以前光是每天掃頭髮就很花時間了! 而且長髮很容易就卡在X森的吸塵器裡還要用工具拆開清理, 超級麻煩~ 但這些頭髮對小白白來說完全不是問題, 真的一點頭髮都沒有纏住耶! 很厲害喔! (我有做實驗如果頭髮真的超級多像是一團球的時候就有可能會卡在吸口, 但通常只是散散的頭髮是不會卡的!)
Narwal官網現在有非常好的黑五折扣頁面, 價格是本年度最低喔!
美國官網點這裡 菜湯獨家95折碼: VEGESOUP
加拿大的點這裡 額外95折碼: LTKEXTRA5
Narwal Freo X Ultra 我這台機器原價1399美金, 黑五特價799.99美金再額外九五折碼: VEGESOUP
Freo X Ultra Price Guaranteed Bundle 建議大家也可以選擇特惠組Bundle的版本, 這樣就會有 Freo X Ultra 機器1台, 抹布4組, 地板清潔劑2瓶, 丟棄式的集塵袋6個, 原價1539.99美金, 黑五價格是869.99美金再額外九五折碼: VEGESOUP
Narwal Freo Z Ultra Robot Vacuum & Mop 最近還有推出一個最新的Z系列, 使用了AI晶片跟雙鏡頭, 清潔功能又更強大! 黑五價格是1099.99再額外九五折碼: VEGESOUP
這次請photodog也用他理工男的角度寫心得 他中文只有小學程度所以就不免強他寫中文了
Product Review
If there is one thing the reader should know, it would be that this machine is better than my Dyson V8 for hair, long human hair. The roller is completely clean and all the hair is in the dustbin.
I set it up in the dining room, which connects to the kitchen and then to the foyer. I estimate the total area to be 250 sq ft. The setup instructions are easy to understand, although they could've printed larger images and text. It is almost plug and play. Remove some foam and wrappers, install the detergent, fill up the tank, plug it in and download the app.
The app first sets up Wi-fi for the robot, which updates its firmware. Then you could tell the app to tell the robot to map the area. In my case, this took 7 minutes. The robot moved around and found the boundaries and stairs using infrared sensors. It didn't actually visit every corner and every wall. But when it started to clean, it knows where they were. The map on the app looked like a big mess. But the robot really worked. It traversed every reachable point wall to wall, and never fell off the steps.
The first cleaning took 1 hour and the second 37 minutes. I put it in "vacuum and mop" mode. It indeed vacuumed all the dirt and hair, and mopped off most stains. Some very stuck stains didn't come off. Those really require heavy scrubbing. About every 20 minutes, it docked to clean the mop, and then went back to work.
The robot knows not to mop when it detects my rug. There is a narrow lane where half the robot is on hardwood and half rug. That part it doesn't clean so well, as expected, since it can't mop only half or 2/3 of the its width. It works persistently. When it couldn't get under a chair from the back, it would eventually try it from the side and succeeded.
The app's main screens are intuitive. The advanced screens, on the other hand, are very finicky. For example, in the maps menu, I can rename a room. But then it is not easy find the menu to split "the room" into the kitchen, dining room and foyer. And then once in that screen, it is very hard to split the room. It has some unknown "thresholds" that cannot be split. Through trial and error, I have made the kitchen a little larger that its actual size. So when I ask the robot to clean the kitchen, it cleans the kitchen, and a small triangle in the foyer. A second example is the screen to set the floor type once I've split the rooms -- I don't know how to get to this screen, but eventually I got there. Yet a third example is the pop-up that reminds me to set the direction of the hardwood planks, horizontal or vertical, but there is nothing clickable to set it.
*The vacuum works really well for long human hair.
*It avoids solid obstacles very well.
*It covers everything reachable.
*It is automatic. Just get out of its way.
*It is quieter than a regular vacuum cleaner when it is cleaning.
*It does not avoid cables. Make sure to hide them.
*It does not vacuum the wall edges well. The roller brush between the wheels is almost 4 inches from the edge of the robot, and the spinning side brushes are not effective at sweeping the debris under the roller.
*The mop is not completely dry after self-cleaning.
*The app can be hard to use.
Overall, this is a very nice machine, but not perfect, 4 stars out of 5. If the app were easier to use, it would be closer to 5 stars.
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